- Macro Builder
With the Macro Builder functionality you can automate all the preprocessing steps along with the measurement and analysis functions by combining together all these into a Macro program. - Multifield Analysis
Analyze 1000's of image fields at one go using our automated routines. - Neural Network Recognition
Unique neural network based object recognition for identifying based on Size, Shape, Color, Texture, Intensity. - Customizable Measurement Templates
User customizable measurement templates tailored for specific application requirements. - Extensive Camera Support base
Inbuilt support for popular cameras through plugins.

View some of the Application Examples that were accomplished using Biovis Image Plus.

Brain Section Morphometry
Interactive Measurement of various Brain section areas and estimating their ratios. Interactive selection of Brain regions based on their color. With Morphometry Tool create custom measurement sets for user specific applications.

Endocell – Cell Discrimination and Analysis
Image enhanced prior to analysis to discriminate poorly visible cells from the background. Macros for automated separation of cells from distorted background and stored in Binary Masks/ Bitplanes. Isolated cells are further analyzed to determine morphological measurements.

Fluorescence Sperm Cells – Color Cells differentiation
Automatic separation of different colored Sperm cells, to determine number of red stained and number of green stained cells. Color based count and classification of cells performed.

Fish Truss Network Analysis
Interactive Truss network analysis for differentiation of Fish species. Define customized truss-diagram with reference markers/landmarks. Obtain point to point distances between the user specified markers on truss diagram along with normalized distances.

Histopathology / Immunohistochemistry
Immunohistochemical stain analysis to differentiate normal and abnormal biological tissues. Automatic detection of the tissue regions that have been stained, and then performing relative staining intensity analysis on them.